How ERI Recycles DVD Players & Blu-Ray Players
A consumer preference for streaming and digital entertainment has helped slow DVD and Blu-ray player production in recent years. Though these accessories are not being purchased as frequently as they once were, they are still part of many home theater systems across the U.S. With time, more of these obsolete machines will reach end-of-life processing.
Valuable commodities in these players include but are not limited to: optical drives, low-grade and high-grade metals, plastics, digital boards, breakage boards, copper, aluminum, low-grade motors and more.
ERI separates and recycles each of these materials. Because these players do not typically have hard-copy information (information from a hard drive or networking communication), the dismantling process is quick and efficient. Click the video below to watch ERI’s shredder breaking down VCRs and other media players.


Circuit Board






In 2009, DVD player ownership surpassed that of VCR ownership, with more than 80% of households now owning a DVD player. (Source: Nielsen Study)
More than 40 million U.S. households now have Blu-ray players, and many of those upgraded from a standard DVD player to complete their home theater system. (Source: USA Today)